be superhuman. :D

introducing the first...

audio computer

the iyo one

The iyO ONE is a revolutionary new kind of computer without a screen.

It can run apps just like your smartphone, except you simply speak to them.

they talk back to you through the world’s best audio display, and can do useful things for you.

who it’s for:

ai enthusiasts
high productivity
sports + athleticism
tech early adopters
music lovers
audio nerds

killer apps




“owl” - superhuman hearing

telescopic hearing in noisy environments.

using 16 external beamforming microphones on the iyo one, owl helps you to Focus on what matters by minimizing distracting noise in your periphery and augmenting voices and sounds in front of you. owl will help you hear better, especially in noisy places like restaurants or cocktail parties.

“sherlock” - ask anything

search for anything with just your voice.

sherlock helps you search for up-to-date information. it could be anything: current events, the weather, world history, or the price of tea in china...anything you want to know. no more pulling out and unlocking your phone; just say what you want to know and sherlock will find it for you.

“Deej” - a.i. music dj

explore music with a savant a.i. dj who gets to know you.

deej uses a natural language a.i. interface to control your spotify account.* deej knows everything about music genres and artists, and can help you find what you are most in the mood for with a quick conversation. deej can play tracks, spin up playlists, and generally control the music for you just through conversation.

*a spotify account is required.

Auditory user interface control

control iyo ONE through a special natural language agent.

the iyo one comes packed with features, and those features will grow exponentially as iyo’s developer network picks up steam. iyo invented a new kind of agent to help control this new computing interface. we call her “shell”, but you can call her whatever you’d like. shell helps make your computing experience seamless by helping you open and close apps, and find the apps that will be most helpful for you in any given moment.

“phone-free” mode

iyo one can be used both with and without your phone, ensuring seamless performance.


the wi-fi model can connect to any wireless network, and access the internet directly, by-passing your phone.

in places where you may walk away from your work, at the gym, or at home...your devices will stay connected and give you access to your favorite audio apps.

the wi-fi model will ship first and has entered the manufacturing process; target shipping is in august.

for the ultimate in phone-freedom, we are launching the world’s first lte-connected screenless computer.

just like a phone or a smartwatch, the lte + wifi version of iyo one will work anywhere there is cellular connectivity.

the lte + wifi model will ship after the wifi model, and will require a monthly cellular subscription.

lte + wi-fi

companion mode

iyo one can make your phone experience much better!

when your phone is nearby, the iyo one connects to it over bluetooth.

all the features and functionality are the same running through the iyo app for android and apple.

connecting to your phone gives the wifi version access to your phone’s lte, as well as improving the battery life of the iyo one.

BT + iyo app

you can also run the iyo one as a simple bluetooth earbud. in this mode, the iyo app is not in control of the audio, and the iyo one performs flawlessly as the best true wireless earbuds that have ever been created.

BT peripheral

audio features

  • The iyo one does agentic voice pickup of the bone-conducted voice inside the ear canal, so your apps can only hear you and won’t be interrupted by others.

  • Each eartip is bespoke to you. you will meet a fit specialist, and iyo will design an eartip that perfectly fits your ear. supreme all-day comfort, will never fall out, and looks good on the ear.

  • the iyo one has feed-forward and feed-back active noise cancellation. when combined with the iyo one’s superior acoustic seal from the custom tip, the iyo one gives the best sound isolation of any device available.

  • the human ear can hear from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in sound frequency. we built iyo’s acoustics to be able to address the full frequency range of human hearing using a custom triple-driver electroacoustic configuration from our professional product, the VAD PRO.

  • the iyo one’s battery capacity of 1100 mWh per ear is about 6 times the size of a normal earbud battery, yielding by far the best battery life ever achieved in an earbud form factor. with normal usage patterns, you can expect the iyo one to last over 16 hours.

mixed audio reality

8 external microphones on each ear in a circular array pattern perform a spatial capture of the surrounding environment.

this enables iyo one to pass sound through to your ears in a way that feels immersive and natural, just like if nothing were there.

layering in an audio computing interface in “virtual auditory space” yields a form of mixed audio reality, where you can hear what is around you and also engage effortlessly with audio apps.

16-mic array

volume knob

the entire iyo one device can rotate on your ear, creating a magical volume adjusting experience.

default behavior allows you to use one ear as a “big knob” to change your audio interface volume, and the other ear to change your hearing volume.

audio interface volume

the audio interface volume changes the sound level of all the audio content from the, agents, or any other virtual audio...can be cranked up or muted at the flick of a wrist.

hearing volume

your hearing volume is the sound level of all the sounds around you in your local surroundings. you can turn the world up if you want to hear more, or turn the world down for some peace and quiet.

1, 2, + 3 taps

1 - tap to transparent

when you’re wearing the iyo one in everyday life, you may need your hearing back at a moments notice. a single tap will bring back your normal hearing immediately.

2 - two tap to talk

two taps launches the audio interface, picking up where it left off, and tells the device to wake and listen to you. after a period of inactivity, it will sleep again so as to minimize wake time.

3 - three tap for app

three taps is an app specific control and will perform different actions depending on which audio app currently has your attention.

agent app platform

there’ll be an app for that

we’ve designed the iyo one to be a general purpose computer, just like your smartphone.

in the near future, there will be thousands of audio apps that help us keep our eyes out of our phones and bring us incredible services and experiences through just talking.

our mission is to bring natural language computing to billions of people, and we won’t be able to do that without you. we need the support of early adopters like you to help us build this future.

iyo developer studio

iyo has built an audio app developer studio, and an audio computer developer kit to kickstart this natural language revolution.

our dev studio is the easiest way to create high quality natural language agents that can do incredible things for people.

we encourage interested developers to reach out to us by sending an email to pleaes be patient with us, as we have been overwhelmed with interest.

technical specifications

  • app cpu: 4 nm quad-core ARM Cortex A53, 64-bit, up to 1.7GHz, 512KB L2 cache

  • co-processor: ARM Cortex-M55 up to 250MHz

  • memory: 2GB+32GB LPDDR4/eMMC epop, 8MB PSRAM


  • WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n dual band

  • BT: BT 5.4 - Classic, BLE, LE audio

  • always-on-audio system: proprietary

  • microphones: 10 microphones per ear (20 mics total)

  • head tracking: dual 9-axis imu

  • water rating: ip57

  • battery: 295 mah per ear, all day wear (normal use)

  • housing: Titanium NMT

  • front: gorilla glass

  • acoustics: triple-driver, dynamic + twin balanced armature

  • crossover: active in dsp

  • psychoacoustics: iyo vad filters, ±10° elevation, ±3° azimuth

  • charge case: usb-c pd charging, 1300 mwh battery


hardware walkthrough

color, material, finish options


  • IYO ONE is designed to last all day depending on the specific use case. In Companion Mode, we are seeing over 16 hrs of battery life. Battery life will decrease when running Phone-Free mode, especially for LTE models. Our expectation is that, for normal use loads and mode switching, battery life will be over 10 hours.

  • The iyO ONE has 10 microphones on each ear, for a total of 20 microphones between the device pair. iyO has designed hearing enhancement features using beamforming technology that can enhance sound signals coming from directly in front of you by as much as 15 dB. We call our hearing enhancement audio app “Owl”, and it will come pre-installed with the first iyO devices.

    The truth is, we all have trouble hearing sometimes, especially in loud environments. Though iyO ONE is not a medical device to help with conditions like hearing loss, auditory processing disorder, tinnitus management, or monaural hearing, we are committed to providing tools that enhance quality of life for everyone.

  • yes, it does.

  • We are happy to answer any questions that you have. Please email us at or call us at +1.650.472.0011.

  • No. iyO ONE has been designed specifically as a custom-fitting device to achieve the best possible comfort, retention in the ear, and aesthetics during wear of any audio device ever made. Future iyO devices will have new fitting options.

  • Yes, it is possible to wear only one ear and have the single ear function, but we do not recommend it. Many of the applications will depend on the devices ability to control the audio being displayed to both ears simultaneously. If you want, you can put a single ear into “transparency mode” and have the effect of only single ear listening while maintaining the iyO ONE’s ability to render audio spatially.